Prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in men — the need of today, because by 30 to 50% of the representatives of the stronger sex one way or another are affected by this disease.

The general prevention activities in this divided into:

  • primary, aimed at preventing the onset of prostatitis;
  • secondary, designed for those who have revealed this disease, and that it is necessary to avoid the transition in the chronic phase.
a man is doing exercise on the floor

Primary prevention of prostatitis

Often cause prostatitis processes stagnant, occur in the prostate gland. She is not quite as good bathed in the blood itself, and are therefore not provided with oxygen. This leads to a deterioration of the functioning of the prostate. So men, who are compelled to a large amount of time to spend sitting down, are subject to greater risk. For the prevention of prostatitis should do physical exercise. They also promote the flow of blood, which leads to an improvement of the muscle tone in the breast, the normalization of the secretion of activity.

What is the most simple exercise that you can do for the prevention of prostatitis is a shortening of the muscles of the anus. To better understand which muscles it is you need to during urination during delay the jet. This will cause the voltage of a particular muscle group. They must be regularly straining, to increase the flow of blood to the gland.

For a start, you can try to make a row of 10 cuts. It is only at first glance seems simple. From the fact that the muscles are not trained, you may experience discomfort. You need to take for the rule, and then the day 5 times in 30 cuts, for example, during washing, to road, at home or at work. When the exercise stop cause you discomfort, it is possible for an approach of performing up to 100 cuts.

This is just one of the exercises that have to do with the purpose of prevention of prostatitis in men. Has offered dr. Kegel. In addition, there are many other exercises that stimulate the flow of blood to the organ.

For example, for the prevention of prostatitis it is possible to perform:

  • jump;
  • squat;
  • large mahi feet;
  • "berezka";
  • "the bicycle".

The exercises can be complement the walks. And this you must do more. The men who make hiking, hardly suffer from prostatitis. Minimum "distance", that there is a need to go to the prevention of prostatitis — 4 km per day.

Integrate physical exercise?


Primary prevention of prostatitis in men suggests and other procedures, for example, contrast showers, focusing on the perineal area. This procedure is perfectly increases the flow of blood to the gland. It is carried out is very simple. The horse directs the flow of water from the shower and varies its temperature: 30secondi — warm, almost hot water, 15 seconds — fresh, at room temperature. The procedure should not last more than 5 minutes. Her to do better before going to sleep.

Massage of the prostate

Very useful for the prevention of prostatitis in men is the massage of the perineum. Do better lying down. You need to find a small area between the anus and scrotum (closer to anus). Beneath the scrotum is the pelvic bone. In that area, where it ends, and need to make an effort, but not excessive. The massage should take 4-5 minutes, best in the evening, after a shower of contrast before going to sleep. These procedures allow a good flow of blood to the prostate. And if you do them always, prostatitis can be avoided.

Permanent life sexual

An important role for the health of the men, and then for the prevention of prostatitis, has sex. The frequency, but also of a sexual nature, of life can affect the state of the prostate itself. But in some extreme cases not worth the effort: promiscuous sexual relationships will be a further source of infection. Negatively on the health of the prostate is reflected and prolonged abstinence, intentional, delay or interruption of the act. The ideal choice for the prevention of prostatitis in men is measured, regular sex, and with a stable partner.

A proper diet

Reduces the likelihood of disease prostatitis and a healthy diet. If you avoid excessive-calorie and spicy foods, to diversify the diet, then the disease will not be more than "loopholes" to enter the body. In the menu of every man must be present vegetables, fruit, nuts, pumpkin seeds, seafood, garlic, nuts. The consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer in particular) should be reduced to a minimum. It is not recommended and excessive use of coffee. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the onset of hypothermia the body. Men are not worth bathing in cold water or sit in cold coating.

Secondary prevention of prostatitis

But if the disease still failed to avoid, then, after the recovery, it is necessary to reflect on the secondary prevention of prostatitis. It includes the following activities:

  1. Intake of drugs;
  2. Regular visits to the doctor-urologist does not matter, there are the clinical symptoms of the disease or not;
  3. A regular examination 1 time every 3 months (it is recommended in the first year after it was carried out a complete treatment). In the next 3 years of attending urologist should be 1 time in six months;
  4. After 40 years, the man must do the ULTRASOUND to the prostate.

Prevention of prostatitis, chronic any medication is only given by a doctor. Their reception it is necessary to do regular. For the prevention of prostatitis prescribe medications that affect the metabolism of the prostate gland, and correction of urodynamics. When the inflammatory etiology of the disease, are to be assigned to the anti-inflammatory drugs, whose selective action aimed at the improvement of the condition is carcinoma of the prostate. Taking antiviral medications warns prostatitis infectious nature. If in the history of the disease of bacterial prostatitis patient showing antimicrobial drugs. For the prevention of prostatitis are appointed and dietary Supplements. Stimulate the flow of blood to the prostate gland, preventing inflammation.

The special line is necessary to highlight the massage of the prostate. It is not only a treatment method but also a method of prevention of prostatitis. By its nature, massage is a mechanical effect, is very similar to using the palpation of the prostate during the diagnosis. During the massage occurs irritation of nerve endings and expansion vessels. This leads to an improvement of the circulation of the organ, the more intense flow of nutrients and oxygen. The end result will be the acceleration of the reconstruction processes. Massage course involves 8 to 10 treatments. Are through the day. Usually already after 5 session results were observed positive. Re-the course takes about 3 weeks after the completion of the first. It is necessary, to secure the result.

And another important point: prostatitis is one of the most insidious and the most common diseases in men, and and senior, and middle aged. Therefore, the preventive measures to prevent the disease is not necessary to refer back to later. In particular, with regard to those men who lead a sedentary life, are subject to stress and hypothermia.